Thursday, January 25, 2007

Why honest criticsm is good

I've decided to put my mideaval historical aside for a few weeks. I hated the language and I saw way too many cliches in my writing. Even worse, it was boring me to to read it. I'd shudder to think what an editor would think of it.

That led me to lurk on and eventually join the forum at Absolute Write. And before I knew it, I'd also joined up at Romance Divas as well. I've spent every night (and every work break I could get) soaking up every last bit of advice people were willing to give me.

The details get fuzzy at this point, but somewhere along the way I decided to start following the never- ending chain of blogs. That led me to
Miss Snark and her infamous crapometer. That alone was worth the time I took off of my manuscript. Not only have I figured out where I went wrong, now I realize how I went wrong and how to fix that drivel.

I'm not looking for an agent at this point. I haven't published my first manuscript yet, but after reading a brutally honest assessment of what works and what doesn't I'm starting to figure out how to avoid an enormous amount of mistakes commen to new writers.


Kristen Painter said...

We're happy to have you at Romance Divas, too!

Sat Nam Writer said...

Thanks, you guys have been nothing but fantastic since I arrived.

Sela Carsen said...

I'll second the welcome! It's been great having you there.

And look at you learn! You know, a lot of writers never get that far. They get that first honest crit and quit. Yay you!